In the Pigeon Template the code is getting stuck in the create rig script during the; rig = rigs_old.IkQuadrupedBackLegRig('leg', side) section. This happened once and I was able to restart Maya and it went away but now it seems to be persistent. I'm wondering if you have changed something in your modules that is not allowing the code to run. The error I get is below.
Traceback (most recent call last):
V: File "N:/proddev/rig_dev\vtool\process_manager\process.py", line 1513, in run_script
V: module.main()
V: File "N:/projects/kody/kk01/production/build/rig/process_manager/chr/bird/body/.code/create_rig/create_rig.py", line 38, in main
V: create_leg(side)
V: File "N:/projects/kody/kk01/production/build/rig/process_manager/chr/bird/body/.code/create_rig/create_rig.py", line 241, in create_leg
V: create_ik_leg(leg_joints, side)
V: File "N:/projects/kody/kk01/production/build/rig/process_manager/chr/bird/body/.code/create_rig/create_rig.py", line 245, in create_ik_leg
V: rig = rigs_old.IkQuadrupedBackLegRig('leg', side)
V: File "N:/proddev/rig_dev\vtool\maya_lib\rigs_old.py", line 26, in __init__
V: super(IkQuadrupedBackLegRig, self).__init__(description, side)
V: File "N:/proddev/rig_dev\vtool\maya_lib\rigs.py", line 3215, in __init__
V: super(IkAppendageRig, self).__init__(description, side)
V: TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type