added a progress bar for loading processes, some projects with lots of processes can get slow, this gives some feedback.
create_sub_controls added to rigs.SparseRig
geo.is_mesh_compatible is working in more cases
exporting Maya Ascii or Maya Binary in the data will also export control tags
work done for more responsive process loading
Fixes to referenced options
Filter process name fixes
rigs.EyeRig set to maintain offset when orientConstraint added
shade.apply_shader works on full path instead of name only, avoiding some duplicate name issues. This is also a fix to shader data
shader data import now works with versions
top level corrective combos now import last in correctives. If working with combos leave them at the top level of the corrective hierarchy so they can re-import properly. This will be fixed so they can be parented in a future release
Close ui parts related to last process if non-process folder is selected
right -click run script group in the code is now fixed to not run un-checked code
temp log used to have bug where if it got to long it would have issues. The system is no longer using a global variable to store this data and can now hold really long logs
when no version selected in the ui, buttons are hidden
shape combo ui tag data deselect when no tag selected, before they sometimes stay on
shape combo ui now works better when loading in a non-unique shape
fix to process.export_data
sometimes version files would get named weird to remove them from the ui. The ui now tries to work with this
rigs_util.create_joint_sharpen fix so it can go negative
fx.add_follicle_to_curve fix
Ctrl + d and Ctrl + s no longer affect the main window if the code isn't in focus
code running through another process now breaks and shows up in the log nicely