Vetala Beta
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:11 pm
- Auto Complete more consistent
- Auto Complete Ctrl+S exits completion before, to avoid invoking maya file save
- Pose arrows no longer have control tags
- FkCurveRig not building when set_attach_joints(False)
- Option Title and Option group can't have the same name fix
- Option Scripts copy properly using Copy Match when script has new line in text
- Fix for foot joint naming not matching older versions of Vetala
- Fixed issue where creating code with a code selected caused a data.json file issue
- Fix for versions with comments that contain ";" or "=" , would cause the versions to error when loading.
- If you hit the open button with no version selected Vetala would error.
- maya_lib.deform create_wrap uses transform name of mesh instead of shape name for naming.
- Process Maintenance tab
- Process Backup
- Process Version pruning
- Data file save now has tool tabs. For example control cv data has a tab with the control curve editing buttons.
- Vetala now docks using Maya mixin class
- Spin widgets in options no longer change with mouse wheel
- Faster file loading in process view and code completion, slightly faster in code loading.
- Collapsing groups now have a + and - indicator
- Build widget at the bottom of Vetala now stays open even in the Data Tab. Less confusing
- Accept for the compact history widget on code manifest and process options no longer asks to accept when navigating history
- deform.unlock_joint_weights
- attr.has_default_xform_channels
- attr.store_world_matrix_to_attribute
- attr.hide_rotate_order
- core.delete_empty_nodes
- geo.get_connected_verts
- geo.get_vertex_shells
- geo.get_vertex_names_from_indices
- space.get_chain_length