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Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:50 am

Vetala Beta

Fresh cut of Vetala with many bug fixes.

  • Vetala now uses the control tag to build some automatic pick walking. Use cmds.controller to define custom pick walking.
  • some Ik/Fk matching functionality now exists. Use rigs_util.match_switch_rigs_from_control(control_name) on an ik/fk arm. I just tested this on the old human template and it appears to work.
  • Control sets now get created with a hierarchy based on the rig build.
  • Working on post deform transform space blendshape, leveraging what Maya already has for pose deformation. Its very buggy, better to leave post deform off.
  • A quick attempt at working with deadline has been added. Set the deadline path in settings. I've been able to get it to submit to deadline at work, but getting a mysterious error.
  • geo.multi_expand_loop lets you expand a loop given 2 or more starting edges. This make it easier to programmatically work with edge loops.
  • rigs_util.ControlGroup class for getting control_group info
  • util.unload_vtool() this will unload the vtool python modules. After use sys.path.insert(0, custom_path) to load vetala from a custom path
  • util.replace_vtool(path) to unload vtool python modules and insert the new path at the top of the sys.path to load vetala from the new path
  • geo.get_mesh_from_face added
  • core.get_reference_node_from_namespace added
  • qt_ui.get_integer dialog added
  • attr.LockTransformState class added for remembering and unlocking/locking transform attributes
  • attr.color_to_rgb added for converting a color index to rgb, ie [1,0,0]
  • Version of save printed out in script editor when saving
  • core.create_display_layer now works with recursive
  • opening the documentation url in cent os fixed
  • some improvements to batching ... some bug fixing etc.
  • skin weights export/import now supports storing maximum influences attribute
  • some improvements to joint orient speed
  • core.reference_file - now returns the reference path
  • util_file.get_file_with_extension now supports for example .mb or mb as the extension name
  • TransferWeights.transfer_joints_to_new_joints now support the TransferWeights class optimization option.
  • FootRig now has an ankle roll option
  • MirrorControlKeyframes class now supports more control naming. For example name_l_ctrl now supported
  • simple_sphere curve type added
  • Fixed option dictionary widget remove
  • Fixed group and titles getting confused in options
  • Fixed a case where non-unique names would not work with skin export/import
  • Fixes to shader export/import
  • Fixes to shotgun link
  • Completion pop-up more consistently disappears when pressing ctrl
  • Fix to json file exploding when deleting a data
  • Twist rig controls now scale properly
  • Nodes and Options now auto load again... making view loading slightly slower
  • LockTransformState fix... where it wouldn't lock of the attribute was non-keyable
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