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Posts: 202
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:50 am

Vetala Beta

  • Slightly faster blendshape.Blendshape class
  • Progress bar when exporting skin weights
  • deform.SplitMeshTarget if you are splitting multiply shapes with similar weighting, pass all the shapes at once to SplitMeshTarget. Also added sine fade in out for smoother splits
  • some speed improvement for deform.SplitMeshTarget
  • geo.get_vertex_indices - slightly faster
  • rigs now print out the joints being used when processing
  • deform.TransferWeights.transfer_joint_to_joint now works properly/the same as older versions and is much faster on large vertex counts
  • some speed improvement for skin import
  • new code and duplicate code now automatically opens a tab, avoiding confusion with existing code
  • script options are now one line until clicked, making them easier to work with.
  • right-click on code to run code group
  • Buttons added for smooth weights and average weights
  • options ui - dictionary widget
  • api.get_surrounding_vertex_indices
    Using python api 2
  • api.get_skin_influence_names
  • api.get_skin_influence_indices
  • api.get_skin_influence_dict
  • api.get_plug
  • geo.get_thing_from_component
  • geo.is_a_vertex added
  • process.get_code_children
  • process.run_script_group
  • deform.smooth_skin_weights
  • deform.sharpen_skin_weights
  • deform.average_skin_weights
  • attr.hide_attributes now hides individual axis when giving a double3 like translate, rotate, scale to hide. This solves a bug where channels wouldn't unhide using scripts.
  • get_node_editors now returns before erroring in batch mode.
  • fix to code sync, where children code wouldn't always appear
  • fix to code sync after copy match
  • fix to script option where process wouldn't load
  • fix sub controls maybe not getting a number in the name
  • fix to booleon options losing their data
  • process = None can now be removed and the code will continue working
  • script options created under an option group will now collapse when hitting the edit button. Before they would just stay open until refreshing the ui.
  • reparenting a process would cause the script option to lose the process
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Site Admin
Posts: 202
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:50 am

Vetala Beta

For those who downloaded vetala beta 3.2 there is a new update with a fix a bug with splitting blendshapes

The bug saw joint weight not computed properly

The files above have been updated, and the version switched to 3.2.1
Site Admin
Posts: 202
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:50 am

Vetala Beta

The beta is now upped to

fixes in this version
transfer_joint_to_joint has been reverted to older code.
transfer_joint_to_joint_fast has been cleaned up, might not be so fast anymore :(. Will test, should be faster on meshes with more than 30000 verts.

The scripts getting hidden when pressing Process is now fixed.

Rigs IkAppendageRig now has right side fix on by default (again). I tested it on some of my rigs and it seems to be okay.

Files are updated above.
Site Admin
Posts: 202
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:50 am

Re: Vetala Beta

One more update above, this one sets IkAppendageRig.right_side_fix = True.
Double checked the code before posting.

version set to Vetala Beta

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